Tips For Working Women

Tips For Working Women To Establish Boundaries Between Work and Home

What’s the most essential thing women are struggling with during COVID-19? The balance between home and work life.   Personal boundaries are the physical, emotional and mental limits we establish to protect ourselves from being manipulated, used or violated by others.  Boundaries allow us to separate who we are and what we think and feel.  They are guidelines, rules and limits we as women can create to help us balance home and work.  Identifying the need to set boundaries is crucial in creating the balance you are thriving to have.

Working from home has many advantages: adaptability, an office structured specifically for you, more hours in your day, and the ability to prepare yourself an extravagant lunch that could never endure the workplace microwave! For some co-workers, working from home allows them to balance their lives, particularly with regards to investing energy into companions, or children. But without some consistent boundaries, working from home can undoubtedly saturate your life and cause you to feel completely unhinged.  To remain sharp and cheerful during work, women will have to establish some home office boundaries, rules, and schedules. 

Here are some tips to consider that will help you work efficiently and ensure you really get the work life balance that is required while working from home. 

  • Taking Care of Yourself
  • Establishing Rules and Your Environment
  • Setting Yourself Up for Success

Taking Care of Yourself

1. Get Dressed Daily

WFH (Working from home) due to COVID-19 is difficult for every woman out there. The first thought that might come to your mind is, “WOW! Now I can work in my PJs,” but no, this will only make you slow and sluggish. You need to get up, take a shower, and get dressed daily to work with enthusiasm and grace. It will put you in the right frame of mind to work. You know the saying, “If you look good, you feel good, and you do good.”

2. Practice Some Self Care

We all need fresh air, try getting in a workout, give time to your hobbies, cook something tasty, and watch Netflix. Get positive vibes it will help you get your energy back and create some natural serotonin to contribute to wellbeing and happiness.   A healthy woman can maintain a balance between work and home. Remember, your healthier version is better for you and everyone around you.

Establishing The Rules and Your Environment

3. Set Some Ground Rules

Working from home is the new normal, so we need to set some boundaries and rules. For example, what should be your working time? Does my time match with my colleagues? Is my employer flexible with my work hours?  As we all have different circumstances, we need to set personalized rules from the start.

4. Timeboxing: Set schedule and stick to it

Working from home can be comfortable; sometimes it can be too comfortable!  We break all the “workplace rules” and work when we feel like it.  But hang on, this may not the right choice. Sticking to a schedule will make you and other women working from home more productive. Your colleagues, boss, and clients will also benefit from knowing when you will be available to work and what your office hours are.  To avoid a disturbance in your schedule, plan every task beforehand, and according to the time you have.  If you and your partner share parenting duties, ask your spouse to take care of the children during your working hours so that you can work more efficiently and set boundaries between your work and personal life. Working like that, you can give full time to your work and also pay full attention to your children in the home hours according to your time slot.

5. Have a separate workplace

Working from home while taking care of the house and your family can be exhausting. You need your own space to show yourself some grace. This will freshen up your mood and give you more energy to live your life.  In case you’re not the parental figure who is taking care of the children and another person is taking care of the children, shut the door of the room if possible. Retreat to your detached room, set up your remote office, and do the quality work.

Set Yourself Up for Success

6. Be Prepared for Unexpected Things

While staying at home, be prepared for unexpected things at home. You are working with your kids nearby, they can have any problem that you need to solve immediately, they can cause distractions for you, and some solutions as prepared snacks or downloaded cartoons that can keep them busy while you are working.

7. Correct Equipment

Technology has turned the world into a global village. it is now easy to work from home using cloud computing and fast internet connections. We can access the office online. We just need some equipment for that Wi-Fi Connection: You will have to ensure you have a good Wi-Fi connection with fast bandwidth as your family and children are using at the same time as you. Make sure you are working while the internet connection has a stable signal.

Webcam and microphone: Make sure you have a good quality webcam if you don’t have a camera on your laptop and a high-quality microphone for contacting with your teammates and clients.   Computer: As working from home includes long working hours, a desktop is more comfortable than a laptop. Working on a laptop can cause back problems, and desktop computers will help you maintain a healthy posture while working. 

While this isn’t all of what you can do to create that balance needed to work from home, I believe it is top of mind for all working women. Data tells us that 54% of women’s frustration is the ability to set boundaries or ground rules, and the second at 21% is establishing a separate workspace. What do you think? What steps are you going to take to set healthy boundaries while balancing work and home? Setting boundaries is healthy, and it isn’t just something that you should do during COVID-19. Establishing boundaries takes practice and determination don’t let anxiety, fear, or guilt prevent you from taking care of yourself. Create a support group of others working from home moms you can reach out to when feeling overwhelmed. Remember it’s a process and takes time, do it on your own time frame. Stay energetic, focused, and don’t give up!   

Here are a couple of my favorite inspirational quotes that I hope will inspire you too.

  1. “Selfcare means giving yourself permission to pause.” – Cecilia Tran
  2. “Daring to set boundaries is about having the courage to love ourselves, even when we risk disappointing others”  –  Brene Brown

If you need help I’m here just reach out to me at [email protected] for a complimentary session. Remember, when you take care of yourself first, you will have more to give to others.


Coach Michele

Leadership and Life Transition



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